Sunday, March 15, 2009

Baby Concerns, Doctor Bills & Dr. Manhattan...Again

Okay, this post will be the last time I mention Dr. Manhattan…I think…maybe. I feel like I’ve lost the ability to be funny because I saw a naked blue man and this isn’t right. What’s wrong with me that seeing a giant blue naked man should have any effect on me at all? Am I that immature? Well, probably.

So, I’ll mention it one more time and I’ll try to make that the last time. And then maybe I can move on. Maybe.

What’s the Deal With Babies?

I just got back from a birthday party for this baby, and while I’d met this baby before, I’m quite sure it didn’t remember me at all. Which is strange because all it did the first time was stare at me like it was analyzing me for a weakness.

And that’s the thing about babies. They haven’t learned that it’s not polite to just keep staring at someone, especially someone you don’t know. It’s not like you can even just stare back at them and they’ll realize they’re being rude. I know this because I tried it. I stared back at the baby just as intently as it was staring at me. Did the baby look away? No. It had this expression of, ‘I’ll meet your challenge, Oblong Face.’

Was it intimidating? Not really. Here’s why: Because I’m quite confident that a baby can’t defeat me, especially one I only see every two months. And once they start actually understanding English, that’s when you can start playing head games with them. Then they have no chance of winning.

Quick SF Notes

I still haven’t made the double decker bus tour reservation. I’m having reservations about making the reservation, which is why I haven’t made the reservation yet. Why am I picturing an Indian dancing around a teepee right now?

At work, I’ve gotten one of the requested vacation days approved but Monday still hasn’t been approved yet. That could be a potential problem.

I had a dream the other day that I didn’t pack until the day I was leaving for San Francisco and I tried packing everything into a backpack. It was horrible and I woke up in a panic. I also had a dream that I was moving out of my apartment and even though my lease was a month from being up, they were charging me $15,000 to leave and the head of the complex was my old landlord from Virginia. His name was Frank Gough. He may or may not be dead now.

Inevitable Post-‘Watchmen’ Date Conversation

‘Sure Dr. Manhattan is well-endowed and has amazing biceps and triceps and lats,’ she says.
‘And don’t forget his pecs. You could stick your finger in his pecs,’ he notes.
‘Yeah and he has amazing pecs…’ her voice trailing off.
‘I’m waiting for the but.’
‘Yeah, his butt was pretty incredible too.’

Let this be a warning to you, little grasshoppers. Let this be a warning.

My Netflix Movie

I still haven’t received ‘Changeling’ from Netflix yet. It was supposed to be here on Tuesday and it hasn’t arrived. What’s the deal? Why am I even mentioning this?

My Doctor Bill

I still keep getting hospital bills from October and November of last year and every time I think everything is paid, they send me another bill. Well, this most recent bill matched an exact amount that I already paid a month ago. The notice advised me that I was going to be reported to a collection agency if I didn’t pay immediately.

I called the billing group and after acting like I was some deadbeat, I was told that it takes 30-45 days to show up in their system after a payment posts to a bank account. So, if I pay on the due date and a collection notice generate three weeks after that date, a collection notice will automatically generate because it takes 4-6 weeks for them to be able tell they received a payment.

And why does it take that long for a payment to show in their system since everything is computerized? I didn’t bother asking.

As a Follow Up to Last Post

Jim Cramer went on ‘The Daily Show’ this past week and I thought Jon Stewart really did an excellent job interviewing him and asking very difficult questions. This isn’t an interview that goes for laughs but is really serious media critiquing.

Below is the unedited, uncensored version and it’s definitely worth watching. After watching, read this article for reaction to what you just watched.


Anonymous said...

Interesting Dr. Manhattan fact: The Watchmen had passed through several studios before getting picked up, and at one time both Arnold Schwarzenegger, before he was governor, and Keanu Reeves were talked about being Dr. Manhattan. Even Tom Cruise was attached to him.

DJ Wright said...

Tom Cruise was attached to Dr. Manhattan? Was that before he got married to Katie Holmes?

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a little worried about this thing you have about Dr. Manlyhattan! I watched that movie, and besides a bit of a snicker (that was because of YOU!) it just looked like a weird blue suit with a bit of a dangle, okay?
Funny bit in your comments, I hope Billy actually reads it.