I'll be heading back to Atlanta tomorrow morning and I can't wait to be back.
Touring SCAD
As previously mentioned, my brother was accepted into Savannah College of Art and Design and we came down here to look at what exactly accepted him. The lasting memory that stays with me from Thursday's visit was when we went to the Fashion Hall, which is no doubt named for a rich donor...Richard Fashion, and there were two labs, each with three tables and students were working behind glassed in windows so we could see them. It was something like visiting a zoo of Fashionistas. 'Observe the creature in their natural habitat. See the slightly fake smile and upturned nose of disgust.'
The tour lasted over two hours, which was a problem because I parked in a meter that only allowed me to put two hours of quarters in the meter so as soon as the bus (excuse me, shuttle), stopped, my brother went in to meet with an advisor and I ran (and I mean actually ran) to the car to see if I had a ticket. Thankfully, I did not. But I was tired from running.
Did my brother find what he was looking for? I don't know. I know that he had a lot of stuff to write about in his journal though. Every time we take a trip somewhere, he spends most of his time writing. Actually, there are two parts of any trip he goes on...the time where he's away from his journal and the time when he's writing about being away from his journal. It's like the journal has asked him, "Why haven't you been with me lately?" and he has to explain in detail why he had left the thing behind. I say that's a pretty demanding little journal.
And Then...Dinner
I was looking through the phone book to find something to eat last night and I saw a restaurant that offered a personal gormet chef. And what would I eat if I could order anything I wanted? I'd tell that chef to "Gormet me some Sloppy Joes."
Finally, I talked my brother into going to a Mexican restaurant. He was hesitant but I told that if I was such a picky eater and I was willing to eat there, how bad could it be? With an argument like that, he had to agree. But the first place we tried was closed down and the second place looked like a converted gas station. We ended up settling on a steak place and my GPS led me into a neighborhood. I thought maybe it was trying to get me to cut through but no, we stopped at the house of Jim and Nancy Powell. I told them we were there for the steak but they acted like I was crazy and said they were going to call the Cops. I said that if the Cops were good people, they were welcome to join the dinner. We could all play charades and it'd be a great time.
We left the Powells behind and went to Western Sizzlin, which I thought had all been closed down along with Sizzler and Quincys. I ordered a steak and when it arrived, it was a cheap piece of meat and looked like it had barely been cook. I like rare steak but this was almost dangerous looking. I ate it anyway and it wasn't 15 minutes later that I started feeling sick. We rushed back to the hotel and I threw up the dinner. I had mixed feeling about vomiting it all back up. On the one hand, it was like a waste of money and I hate throwing up. On the other hand, I felt like I had an eating disorder and that made me feel fashion chic.
My Walker, Texas Ranger Story
I got caught up watching Walker Thursday morning and I learned several things. First no one, and I truly mean no one, can maintain a single facial expression longer than Chuck Norris. Every time he was on screen, it was a bowl of awesomy goodness. The only thing that would've made it better is if he'd said, "I'm loving me some Huckabee." That would've been too much to handle.
The plot of the episode was that he had taken a hit to the head and suffered amnesia. The only way to recover is to take another shot to the head. That's a scientific fact that's been proven time and again on cartoons throughout history.
My favorite scene was when he looked deeply into a mirror and asked, "Who are you?" I actually felt inspired. But it got better. He punched the mirror, shattering it like he was Rick Springfield in 'Jessie's Girl."
I turned the channel after it went to commercial and forgot to change it back. I found Pat Robertson condemning Rev. Jeremiah Wright for being a preacher who says controversial things. That's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black...WAIT! That came out wrong.
‘The Dream Ticket’ Concept Could Be Nightmare
There’s been some talk about Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) sharing the same ticket and while that seemed kind of absurd when Clinton floated that idea a couple months ago but it’s downright ridiculous now. There’s so much animosity between the two candidates that I don’t think either one could live with a dual ticket situation.
The only way it would even be proposed in a way that would make sense is if he’s the President and she’s the Vice President, and there’d always be a perceived power struggle throughout the term(s) they served together. And since Bill Clinton feels the Obama campaign has painted him as a racist, it seems even less likely this is a possibility. I found a good article though that talks about why it’s not going to happen. I mean, there’s a reason the Founding Fathers quickly reversed course on Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 by creating the Twelfth Amendment. Having rivals occupy the Executive Branch is rife with problems.
More Clinton News
Former President Bill Clinton told the Washington Post that if the Democrats used the Republican Primary system, his wife would be winning. The Democrats award delegates on a proportional basis whereas Republicans give out delegates as ‘winner-take-all,’ more similar to the Electoral College.
You know, one of the complaints Obama has raised has been that Hillary Clinton is using Republican style attacks and now the Clinton campaign is saying that if the Democrats would just adopt Republican rules, they’d be winning. I’m not sure if this is the wisest strategy to go with right now.
Some People Don’t Approve of President Bush
As first reported in this space, there are subtle signs that America might be turning against President George W. Bush. I read a good article on the approval ratings and trends with this president that I thought was worth reading. The arc of his presidency is nothing short of remarkable and I felt this article did a good job of looking at that path.
For what it’s worth, and it’s not worth much, but Bush has successfully obtained the worst disapproval ratings in the history of the Gallup Poll, which is impressive. I mean, some aspire to be bad but others take the next step and become the worst.
I like reading these polls though because they have stats like this: 27% view this administration to be a success. What? I’m hesitant to throw around titles like ‘the worst’ but under what qualifications has he been a success?
Mugabe and the Recount
Zimbabwe still hasn’t announced a president following the March 29th election, which the opposition party appeared to have won but following recounts, it’s now looking like Mugabe can claim victory in at least one district, just outside the capital. Oh, what a shocker. Did Jimmy Carter go over there to monitor this election or was he playing pinochle with Khaled Meshaal and other Hamas leaders?
Al-Qaida Upset With Iran
Recently, Iran’s Foreign Minister stood behind President Mahmoud Ahmadinejed’s previous statements questioning the official account of the September 11th attacks. It cast doubt that al-Qaida was really responsible and whether nearly 3,000 people actually died. This should be no surprise from a country that doubts the existence of the Holocaust but one group is offended by Iran’s statements…al-Qaida.
In newly released audiotape, Ayman al-Zawahri, deputy of Osama Bin Laden, condemned Iran’s position. No official word on al-Qaida’s view on those ‘9-11 Truthers.’
Osama v. Obama
Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s last name, if you haven’t noticed is one letter away from Osama. Some individuals (including Obama supporters) and media outlets have accidentally referred to the Senator as Osama and many critics have made references to the terrorist leader intentionally. And now, there’s a church in South Carolina with a sign out in front that reads: “Obama, Osama, hmm, are they brothers?”
Pastor Roger Byrd said the sign isn’t political or racial but “It's simply to cause people to realize and to see what possibly could happen if we were to get someone in there that does not believe in Jesus Christ.” What exactly does ‘in there’ mean but the White House or the office of President and if that’s the case, how’s that not political? Shit like this will continue to happen as long as the IRS doesn’t crack down on churches making political statements by revoking their tax exempt status when they violate the law. For far too long, churches (on both sides of the political aisle) have flirted with making political statements or endorsements of one party or candidate over another, some more egregious than others and it really is something that needs to be stopped. The federal government is essentially paying churches (and some other non-profit groups as well) to propagate political viewpoints in a way that appears to be a violation of the law.
When Pastor Byrd was asked if Obama was a Muslim, he said, “I don't know. See it asks a question: Are they brothers? In other words, is he Muslim ? I don't know. He says he's not. I hope he's not. But I don't know.” After Obama’s situation with Pastor Jeremiah Wright and Trinity United Church of Christ, I kinda thought (mistakenly) that the ‘Obama is a Muslim’ conversation would die down but…
Seamless Transition from Osama/Obama News to Miley Cyrus
There’s urgent news regarding Miley Cyrus of ‘Hannah Montana’ fame, daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, of ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ fame. She’s signed a deal to write her memoirs for Disney-Hyperion Books. Which begs the question, how many memories can she have to report on having been on this specific planet for 15 years, the first five years likely being rather fuzzy in her memory?”
Hasselhoff v. Alleged Surgery
David Hasselhoff, the most famous person with the last name Hasselhoff to ever appear in both ‘Knight Rider’ and ‘Baywatch’ reportedly went to the hospital to have something removed from above his eye, though his spokesperson declined to say what was removed, other than denying he had been admitted to rehab. Why do things like this always happen to the Hoff? I mean, he chose to eat a hamburger topless while on the floor and the media made a big deal about it. Paris Hilton chose to eat a hamburger while washing a car. The way we choose to eat our hamburgers is no one’s business. When are we all going to learn not to Hassle the Hoff? When? This is the guy who singlehandedly brought down the Berlin Wall. Show some fucking respect!
Is Larry King Still Alive?
The CNN anchor voted most likely to be an Animatronic Disney ride creation just signed on for another two years at CNN, a deal that will keep him on air until he’s 77. Honestly, I thought Larry King was already 86.
A Victory for the Blind
A blind man was able to overpower a home intruder. How dumb does that intruder have to feel? ‘I got taken down by a blind man. This is worse than when I got the shit beat out of me by the 12 year old with Down Syndrome.'
What I Watched on Television Last Night
I watched 'The Office,' 'Scrubs' and '30 Rock.' Because this room is like a sauna and I just want to get out before I die of a severe case of hot, I don't want to take too much time on this. All of the episodes were below average. Dwight's hobbitt comment was funny. I liked Kelso in 'Scrubs' but the other subplots were forgettable. And '30 Rock' works better at 8:30 than at 9:30.
What is Playing on my Mp3 Player
Well, I'm in a room that is trying to kill me to death...which is very deadly from what I read, so I don't have an Mp3 player going right now. But last night, I tried to introduce my brother to Bishop Allen. He wasn't impressed. He seemed a little more interested in Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Boris Yeltsin is dead. He probably spent too much time in a hotel business center listening to a guy deal with his insurance issue on the phone.
Random Thoughts
I’ve decided that I’m going to become an expert on a subject so that when someone says, “Hey I have a question about (BLANK), I should ask DJ because he knows all about that subject.” And I’ve decided that subject will be Phil Collins. I’m gonna learn everything about Phil Collins so I can be a Phil Collins expert.
Illegal immigrants get all the assistance they want' has become the new 'They can put a man on the moon but…'
I was watching 'The Colbert Report' last night and I realized that I missed Marie's Colbert Stare a lot more than I thought I would.
I guess scientists really do have everything down to a science
How special do I have to be to be able to drive in the emergency lane just because traffic is backed up?
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