Once everything is locked in place, I’ll print out some of the stuff I found off the Internet so I’ll have an Internet guide in addition to the travel guide I bought at Barnes & Noble.
The goal is to get everything done by next weekend, so I’ll have four weeks leading up to the trip and everything pretty much in place. Then I can focus on packing.
And Then There’s Dr. Manhattan
My girlfriend and I saw ‘Watchmen’ on Saturday at the new IMAX that just opened near Southlake Mall. The sound was incredible in the theater.
I could give me review of the movie, but I’ll be honest, what I really took away from the film more than anything is that I felt very emasculated. The same thing happened after I watched the other Zach Snyder directed film, ‘300.’ After my brother and I had watched ‘300,’ we went to Best Buy and I saw a woman struggling to pick up a box to get it into her car. So I helped her and that helped to counteract the way I felt after watching ‘300.’
But after ‘Watchmen,’ there were no women putting boxes into their cars that I could help them with. So instead, I kept thinking about Dr. Manhattan and his shoulders, pecs and yes, his giant blue penis that hung out there most of the movie.
After we got home, I put on another Billy Crudup movie, ‘Almost Famous’ just to show my girlfriend that Dr. Manhattan was a CGI creation. ‘Almost Famous’ is a really good movie but it didn’t keep me from thinking about Dr. Manhattan.
I Was Further Freaked Out When...
I went to Pizza Hut on Sunday. I’d ordered a pizza and cheesesticks online for carryout. When I went to pick it up, the cashier was staring off to the side, his tongue poking out of his mouth, displaying his bluish tongue stud. He look at me, and I realized he had these super-sea blue contacts in. You know, the ones that make your eyes look freaky. To top it off, he had very over dramatic hand movements and an effeminate way of talking.
He explained that he wasn’t paying attention and did the pizza wrong, so it had to be redone. Since they couldn’t use the other pizza, he gave me the ‘wrong’ pizza for free. So, I got two pizzas for the price of one. And that was good but he completely freaked the hell out of me.
Final Thoughts
I accidentally bought Brawny the other day. Didn’t their cover guy used to have a beard? What happened to the beard? Dude looks like he has a shrunken head too. It’s really freaky and I don’t think I like it.
Who am I kidding…I’m really still thinking about Dr. Manhattan.
This is difficult to type while I'm still laughing over your 'freaked' out state totally due to Dr. Manhattan's um...manlyhatten! I haven't seen the movie yet, but boy, I sure look forward to it and may never go back to 'Almost Famous'!!
Very funny, and good luck with your reservations.
What you should do to get over thinking about it is to take a sketchbook into the theater and start drawing Dr. Manhattan. I found that when I was drawing people who were nude I hardly noticed, and now I am completely unaffected by any naked being.
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